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Click here to join the Clairtone Facebook page and help build a Clairtone online community!
Click here to check out our new Video Page featuring old commercials and a recent CBC National News feature about Clairtone
New addition - we've finally acquired a G-TV! Click here to see!
Welcome to our new website devoted to all things Clairtone. We are still in the process of rebuilding but in the meantime we have posted this page to give some info as to why this site was created. First and foremost, we are dedicated fans of Clairtone, particurlay of the Project G series. Over the past few years we have made it one of our goals to collect and preserve this remarkable icon of Canadian design.
With further development, we also will be creating an online forum for collectors and fans of Clairtone and will be posting their photos and stories here at as well. If you have photos, stories, tips you would like to share about Clairtone or just a question
please send us an email.
Our collection currently includes Six Project G's, Three Project G2's, Two Project G3's, The Clairtone colour light orb, a few Clairtone specialty albums, several Clairtone component amps and numerous publicity and other print materials..
This is still very much a work in Progress and far from comlpetion but bear with us as There is so much more to come . We hope you enjoy the new site!

Enjoy your visit and your opinion and feedback is welcome!